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Celoron, NY, United States
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. ~Sylvia Plath



Friday Night
By Laura McCollough

Another hard week
 tired but
make the effort
Hire a sitter
put off the electric bill
Pretty face
too much makeup
teeth not perfect
no money for that
Nothing to wear
borrow a top from a friend
shiny, cheap and tight
clings to the muffin top
over jeans from
before the baby
Old bridesmaid's heels
kill to walk in 
the bar is full
the usual crowd
look for that guy
 with the cute smile
not here tonight
 married anyway
 the rest are slim pickins
jeans low down
 silver studded belts
hats on sideways
not a decent ass in the bunch
strong cologne
don't expect them to buy drinks
not too bright
air-guitar their cue sticks
to the thrumming jukebox
hang around til closing
who will be lonely
enough to take them home.

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